D and D Instruments Privacy Policy
We know that you care how information about you is used and shared. As part of our commitment to customer service, D&D Instruments strives to make you feel safe and comfortable doing business with us. Here are some guidelines we follow to keep your personal information private. D&D Instruments reserves the right to modify this information at any time in our sole discretion without notice. D&D Instruments may collect certain personally identifiable information, including but not limited to name, address, telephone number, and email address.
Our website may use third party products and services to gather anonymous traffic statistics using cookies and web beacons. A cookie is a small piece of information stored with your browser that helps web sites and multiple servers recognize you. D&D Instruments and its third party service providers may also use pixels, or transparent GIF files, for web site management and user tracking.
D&D Instruments transmits non-personally identifiable user information about visitors to the servers of reputable third parties for the purpose of targeting its internet banner advertisements on other sites. To do this, D&D Instruments uses web beacons in conjunction with cookie level data.
DDI does not tolerate the sending of unsolicited email (UCE or SPAM), including any unsolicited emails which promote, or make reference to DDI, or any of their associated companies or websites, vendors, or employees, the websites, products or services.
Our users agree to not send spam and to adhere to all of the terms of service listed on this page. If you believe any of our customers are in violation of the terms of service, please contact us via email, snail mail, or phone: Toll Free: 888.208.5664